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Corporate social responsibility

The local commitment is of great concern for us, since mining is a very fundamental part of the Rana municipality's history and Rana Gruber is one of the region's most important employers.

We contribute as a sponsor for schools and sports clubs and at cultural events. We also participate in a number of development projects in cooperation with other local businesses and promote and finance research- and environmental studies along with various Norwegian research institutes and industry associations.

We are offering scholarships for students at high schools as well as offering apprenticeships in various fields. Our contact with students from universities and colleges shall promote the interest in natural science, especially in the areas of mining – and beneficiation techniques.

Rana Gruber has carried out a due diligence assessment in line with the OECD’s guidelines for multinational companies and in accordance with the Transparency Act.

Rana Gruber has many global, national, and local suppliers. Most suppliers are based in Norway or the EU. The due diligence assessments have been made at a strategic level and the work is based on status quo in the spring of 2022. This work has been approved by the company’s management, and the board will decide on a plan for further work on these topics at the board meeting in August.

Like many other companies, Rana Gruber has not conducted due diligence assessments on this topic before. This fall, Rana Gruber will start implementing measures and routines as well as looking more closely at certain issues in the value chain.

Rana Gruber focuses on good cooperation with its suppliers. The company emphasises openness and dialogue to find good routines for cooperation on these important topics.

For inquiries, please email [email protected]

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